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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Investing for charities

Our bespoke investment management service offers charities a unique blend of experience, integrity, service and investment expertise

A service you can trust

As a trustee of a charity, one of your primary concerns is to ensure that the organisation’s money, and the income or growth it generates, is carefully managed and invested in an appropriate way.

Our Bespoke Investment Management Services has been built with the needs of clients at its core. It is designed to offer a responsible and trusted service that provides complete peace of mind. We believe in providing trustees with complete clarity on our performance in an easily understood manner. We have the flexibility to benchmark our performance against relevant indices where required, including inflation, and composite and peer group benchmarks. We can provide records of our historic performance on request.

Our core work is to provide the clarity and clear direction that helps trustees manage their resources and invest more effectively
Our mission

Our philosophy and investment process

Our guiding principle is that the optimal, long-term risk adjusted returns are best derived from research driven, well diversified, actively managed, multi-asset portfolios.

  1. We will meet with you to gain a full understanding of your needs

    The charity’s objectives and financial circumstances

    The structure and nature of the charity’s funds (restricted/unrestricted)

    The charity’s business model/sources of income and capital

    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) considerations

    The charity’s cashflow

    Risk appetite

    Investment objectives and capacity for loss

    Objectives in conjunction with any other professional advisers and/or consultants you work with

  2. Identify your optimal investment strategy

    Help you create a Statement of Investment Policy, if required

    Discuss a suitable strategic asset allocation to meet your investment objectives

    Define the measure of success (benchmark or a target return, e.g. inflation plus)

    Outline investment parameters/risk tolerance

  3. Construct and manage your portfolio using active asset allocation

    Active deployment of capital.

    We adapt the agreed asset allocation with our current investment views to create a tactical asset allocation

    Diversification across asset classes, geographies, sectors, companies and investment themes

    Access to a broad range of investment types including direct equities and funds, fixed income, property and private equity funds, precious metals and commodities, and hedge funds

  4. Ongoing performance, risk monitoring and communication

    Daily risk monitoring of the investment portfolio through our Risk Management System (RMS)

    Quarterly performance reviews and report

    Internal peer group review

    Your reporting requirements; frequency and format

    Meetings to review our performance and the suitability of your investment strategy, as well as any change in your requirements

    Access to our online investment portal, where you can view your investment portfolio at any time

Make an enquiry

We will only use your data to contact you regarding your enquiry and as set out in our Privacy Policy. Telephone calls may be recorded.

For more information regarding how we use your data, please see our privacy policy.

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.