Important compliance information for institutional investors and FCA authorised intermediaries
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This part of the Close Brothers website is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be relied upon to make any investment decision. Although the information herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, neither Close Brothers Asset Management or any of its employees guarantee its accuracy, completeness or fairness. The most recent data has been used where possible. Except in so far as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, no member of Close Brothers Asset Management accepts liability (whether arising in contract, tort or negligence) for any error or omission in this document.
The information contained on these pages is believed to be correct but cannot be guaranteed where data is sourced from third parties. Opinions constitute our judgment as at the date shown and are subject to change without notice. The information on this website is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities, nor does it constitute a personal recommendation. This does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares in any of the funds referred to on this site, by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or distribution would be unlawful or in which the person making such offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.
Applications to invest in any fund referred to on this site, must only be made on the basis of the offer document relating to the specific investment (e.g. prospectus, simplified prospectus or other applicable terms and conditions).
As a result of money laundering regulations, additional documentation for identification purposes may be required when you make any investment. Details are contained in the relevant Prospectus or other constitutional document.
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On accessing the Close Brothers Asset Management website, you are aware of the following investment risks applicable to all Close Funds:
PAST PERFORMANCE RISK-Past performance, though extensively used in analyzing investments, is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
RISK OF PERMANENT CAPITAL LOSS-The risk that investments may fall in value permanently with little or no expectation of recovery, including the possibility of total loss of the amount invested. Typically, this applies to individual securities.
RISK OF REDUCED INCOME-The risk that income derived from investments falls significantly and no longer fulfils its objective in a portfolio with a corresponding fall in the capital value if realised.
VOLATILITY RISK-The risk of a decline in the value of a group of investments due to market fluctuations. Typically investors measure this risk over short timescales.
INFLATION RISK-The risk that the growth of investments does not keep pace with inflation over the longer term, i.e. a reduction in the real purchasing power of one's capital.
LIQUIDITY RISK-The risk that an investor cannot gain immediate access to capital.
TAX RISK-The risk that the tax regime generally affecting returns, a particular asset or a specific tax efficient scheme may change or be removed with consequent impact on investment returns and strategies.
CURRENCY RISK-The risk that movement in rates of foreign exchange may cause the value of investments and/or income derived from them to fluctuate independently of the value of the underlying asset and may amplify losses or impact gains when translated into the investor’s base currency.
BENCHMARK RISK-The risk that investments do not beat a specific benchmark over the longer term, e.g. the failure to match the returns of a given equity index, bond index, or a blend of these.
TrinityBridge is a trading name of Close Asset Management Limited (Registered number: 01644127) and Close Asset Management (UK) Limited (Registered number: 02998803). Both companies are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority; Financial Services registration numbers 119329 and 175827 respectively. Financial Education Services and the Close Tax Service are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 10 Crown Place, London EC2A 4FT. Close Brothers Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited (Registered number: 68599) is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for investment business. Its address is Bucktrout House, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1WR.