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Changing trends of financial wellbeing

Nothing could have prepared businesses or individuals for the unprecedented changes that the coronavirus has had on our lives.

It will take some time to understand the full effects this has had on the health of the nation and there will be a need for businesses, employees and the government to review their approach to how we support financial wellbeing going forward.

Even before Covid-19, there was a change happening in organisations across the UK, with more focus on supporting employee wellbeing as a means for businesses to cement engagement, secure talent and improve their performance.

This research sets out to provide answers to many questions around financial wellbeing in the workplace, and to add to the body of work that continues to enhance the depth of understanding and insight on financial health and it’s link with mental and physical wellbeing, to inform, guide and support both employees and organisations across the UK as they continue on their journey to improve their employee wellness.

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The impact of the coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic is an era defining event, but how financially prepared were people when it hit?

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