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Retirement services

Planning for a financially secure, healthy and fulfilling retirement is a major objective within many people’s long-term plans.

Retirement is about much more than a pension; it is a huge life transition financially, emotionally and socially. With on-going pension changes, and a range of long-term savings, investments and other financial solutions to choose from, many retirement decisions now lay with the individual. After a lifetime of saving, actually pushing the retirement button can be a very difficult choice, and without support, many people don’t have the confidence that they will make the right decisions.

That’s where our retirement services can help. As a leading provider of retirement planning to some of the UK’s best-known employers for over 50 years, we have helped hundreds of organisations to support millions of their employees to get ready for retirement and to retire well.

Using our experience and expertise, and with access to the full breadth of solutions within our retirement services, we can deliver the support people need and that extends far beyond just their current workplace pension.

Our services include:  

  • Bespoke Retirement Programme - live face-to-face and web-based workshops for your employees based on your pensions and other benefits, with information that addresses the key financial, lifestyle and emotional issues associated with retirement
  • Retirement Event Programme – live face-to-face events in key UK cities and web-based workshops using generic content that informs and educates retirees from multiple organisations on all aspects of retirement. This service is often used by organisations that don’t always have enough retirees for their own bespoke workshop or that would like to offer an in-person option for retirees closer to their homes
  • Retirement resource hub – available to delegates of any of our retirement workshops, the hub contains a wealth of information to support those planning for retirement. Users can access insights on why it’s important to understand pensions, tax and other investment choices before making financial decisions, find further community roles, education courses, volunteering and new hobbies, and understand how to plan a smooth and rewarding passage into retirement
  • Pension guidance clinics - an opportunity to meet with a financial planner to review pensions and other long-term savings, consider pension consolidation, review annual and lifetime limits and choices, current savings, projected retirement dates and income forecasting
  • Retirement readiness guidance clinics – an opportunity to meet with a financial planner to review employee finances and income needs, retirement forecasting and guidance on boosting retirement savings in the countdown to retirement
  • Financial advice – on pensions including consolidation, at-retirement pension decisions and other investment choices
  • Annuity selection – financial advice to review the annuity market and recommend a suitable annuity to match individual circumstances and needs
  • Defined Benefit Transfer Review Service – to review the potential suitability of transferring a defined benefit pension into a defined contribution pension

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.