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Online Financial Wellbeing Service

For some organisations, an effective, affordable service that employees can access at any time, wherever they work, and that can be implemented quickly and maintained with minimal extra effort is the perfect solution.

Our Online Financial Wellbeing Service gives our clients and their employees access to exactly the same quality content as our bespoke service, via our online hub. Instead of a live events programme, all events are pre-recorded with generic content that is available via an on-demand webinar library, so employees can access what they want at a time that suits them.

Our online service includes :  

  • Financial fitness test – as a diagnostic and to set a baseline against which to measure programme effectiveness
  • Online education hub – with information on all workplace benefits, including bespoke content for your pensions and benefits, with links to your business’s platforms and third party links. The hub also houses information on all aspects of personal finance, case studies, life moments and tips, as well as videos, modellers and other tools
  • Financial guidance inbox
  • Library of on-demand recorded webinars and bite-sized videos and animations on a range of financial topics
  • Communications tool kit for launch communications and ongoing promotion of your financial wellbeing programme
  • Colleague engagement via regular ‘stay-in-the-loop’ communications that support your benefits calendar and regular financial dates (tax year end), key legislation or benefits changes throughout the year
  • Dedicated account management team, periodic reports and online service review meetings

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.