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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Providing financial clarity for you and your family

We all seek the freedom to make our own choices to shape the way we live our lives to ensure we get the most out of today, but not at the expense of tomorrow.

At TrinityBridge, we balance a considered mind-set with an optimistic eye to the future to bring clarity to financial planning and investment management. We believe that by sharing our financial knowledge and expertise, this will allow you and your family to have the confidence and clarity to build and achieve your financial goals.

Do it yourself investing

In the complex world of investments, we understand the value of your time and money. Our online investment portal allows you to manage your finances your way. Through educational insights and our intuitive platform, you can select and manage your investments – in the way you want, when you want. We offer a range of flexible account options to help you achieve your financial goals.

Stocks and Shares ISA
A Stocks and Shares ISA is a straightforward, flexible way to invest, completely free of income tax or capital gains tax.
A SIPP lets you take control of your retirement planning with greater freedom to choose the right investments for you.
Investment Accounts
An investment account lets you invest in managed funds, UK stocks and shares, deposits, gilts, and exchange traded funds (ETFs).
Ready-made portfolios
Our ready-made portfolios group together different investments into one fund.
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Log in to your portal here
If you are new to our self-directed services, you can register here

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Financial planning

Our advisers make sure you have a long-term financial plan. They will ensure you have considered planning for retirement and discuss the efficient ways to pass on your wealth to future generations, helping to guard against unexpected risks.

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Investment services

Our investment managers will manage your assets to achieve the goals set out in your financial plan. They create portfolios and invest around the world across all asset classes, helping to diversify risk and take advantage of new and interesting opportunities from across the globe.


Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.