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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Close Managed Funds

Multi-manager funds

These are multi-manager solutions, seeking to add value through our active asset allocation decisions and by capturing the expertise of fund managers where we identify particular strengths, some of whom may not be directly available to private investors. Picking the right manager at the right time is a specialist skill and our institutional-level manager research team is key to a successful implementation.

In this fund range

Close Managed Income Fund
The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve income with some capital growth.
Close Managed Conservative Fund
The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve some capital growth with some income.
Close Managed Balanced Fund
The investment objective of the Fund is to generate capital growth with some income.
Close Managed Growth Fund
The investment objective of the Fund is to generate capital growth. The Fund will invest primarily in third party.

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.