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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Close Tactical Select Passive Funds

Actively-managed passive funds.

These seek to add value by actively trading index-tracking investments including exchange-traded products and passive unit trusts. These offer a cost-effective exposure to broad markets and themes at potentially low volatilities. However, they are not risk-free investments and you need to understand the mechanics of the markets you are tracking and how the funds are constructed to meet this objective. Our institutional-level research advantage is key to the success of this strategy.

In this fund range

Close Tactical Select Passive Conservative Fund
The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve moderate income and capital growth.
Close Tactical Select Passive Balanced Fund
The investment objective of the Fund is to generate capital growth and some income.
Close Tactical Select Passive Growth Fund
The investment objective of the Fund is to generate capital growth.

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.