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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Financial Wellbeing Index

Our Financial Wellbeing Index reveals a comprehensive insight into the true state of financial wellbeing in the UK. The research is an essential tool for those aiming to diagnose and improve employee financial wellness within the workplace.

How financially fit are your employees?

We analysed the financial health of 5000 employees and explored the views of 1000 organisations to identify some of the gaps in perception and opportunities for improved employee wellbeing.

Money worries don’t just affect financial health; they are one of the single biggest causes of stress and so can impact mental health and physical health if left unchecked.

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By clicking 'Request a copy of the report', you agree to TrinityBridge contacting you by phone or email with the research report and/or information regarding our financial education services.

One size rarely fits all

In a world of ambiguity, we’ve set out to quantify the financial wellbeing of employees. The best solutions diagnose where the gaps lie; providing a strategy that helps your employees at every stage of their career.

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