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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Why TrinityBridge?

We offer a complete investment solution with capabilities usually available only to institutional investors.

About our service

Investment philosophy and process
An insight into our investment philosophy, framework, resources and capabilities.
Our people
Our Business Development Directors

Your complete investment solution

As an adviser, you face many challenges. Stricter regulation, wider investment choice and fast-moving markets make managing your clients’ portfolios difficult and time-consuming.

Outsourcing your investment needs can help to achieve better performance at lower risk, while allowing you to focus on financial advice and wealth planning.

We offer you:

  • A proven track record
  • A wide choice of products and capabilities, to meet a range of client needs
  • A prudent, conservative approach to managing money

At the heart of our service is our investment expertise. Each client, irrespective of the amount they invest, benefits from the same rigorous, disciplined, institutional-quality approach. We never forget whose money it is, and are always focused on giving clients what they want – whether that’s growing capital, generating income or planning for the next generation.

Benefits for you

  • Comprehensive and flexible investment solutions, from managed funds to bespoke portfolios
  • Independent due diligence on our solutions, processes and solutions
  • Your relationship with your client is totally ring-fenced
  • Exceptional personal service, with a single point of contact for all your needs as well as a team based across the UK

Benefits for your clients

  • Professional, full-time portfolio management
  • Access to all major asset classes
  • Transparent charges and competitive fee structure
  • Choice of direct investments, active funds and passive
  • Award-winning reports and updates

Adding value through independent insight

We have created risk models with the assistance of Moody’s Analytics data - a leader in asset class forecasting. This enables us to:

  • Identify the optimum mix of asset classes
  • Match client needs with risks more precisely
  • Achieve greater clarity over risk and return expectations

Our solutions are available through offshore bonds, wrappers, SIPPs and ISAs, across a wide range of platforms.

We measure success not just by investment performance, but by how happy your clients are. We will always strive to exceed your expectations.

Find out more

Investment Management Overview

88KB | pdf | size

Your complete investment solution


IFA client brochure

181.9KB | pdf | size


Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.