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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Bespoke Investment Management Service

A truly personal approach to investing

Our tailored approach

Protecting and growing your clients’ wealth is our objective from the start. This is a partnership where our team of investment managers listen carefully to understand your client’s goals and regularly check in so that your client’s evolving needs can drive the ways we support them for the long term.

Our service

For your clients, we offer the following as standard:

  • A dedicated, highly-qualified and experienced investment professional who has been managing client portfolios for an average of 20 years
  • The ability to invest globally, including direct overseas exposure with the expertise and insight of our research team who are dedicated to unearthing new and interesting opportunities for consideration
  • Access to innovative products and recognised in-house experts in tax-efficient and specialist investments
  • A demonstrable track record of outperforming clients’ expectations
  • Strong administrative support with a focus on first-class client service

How we work with you

Our investment managers will manage your client’s portfolio on a discretionary basis, which means they will make any day-to-day decisions on their behalf, leaving you and your client with the peace of mind that their portfolio is working as hard as possible. This enables them to quickly react to any changes in markets, take advantage of our latest investment research and insights, and follow our asset allocation strategy. Our disciplined process and regular monitoring also ensures that your clients’ portfolio always operates within the limits set by you.

As well as the ability to access a direct relationship with an investment manager, you benefit from a structured portfolio process that can cover the full range of asset classes, including shares, bonds, unit trusts, property, commodities, currencies and hedge funds.

Due diligence for Financial advisers

DD|hub provides a practical framework for advisers to use in the due diligence part of their provider selection. For more information please visit DD|hub's website.

We have created a due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) that provides a comprehensive overview of the Bespoke Investment Management Service, our investment philosophy and processes, risk management and other helpful information.

The latest due DDQ is available upon request from your local business development director.

Access the value assessment for the Bespoke Investment Management Service

We subscribe to ARC Private Client Indices, who provide impartial performance comparators.

threesixty assess at a high level, the adequacy of the controls and procedures that TrinityBridge has established to mitigate the regulatory and business risks arising from the provision of its discretionary management service to intermediaries. 

The latest report is available upon request from your local business development director.

More information

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.