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Close Brothers Asset Management is now trading as TrinityBridge.

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Our funds

Get the latest information on our range of funds

Our fund range gives access to a wide range of opportunities

Whether your clients' goal is to grow or protect their wealth, our multi-asset class approach presents a range of possibilities.

Discover our range of onshore unit trusts and OEICs right here. Our report and accounts are available for all funds and can be downloaded from each fund information page.

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Our funds philosophy

We aim to generate the best possible returns, in line with expectations and appetite for risk. In our view, active management expressed across diversified funds, whether single or multi-asset class strategies, is the best way to aim to achieve superior performance.

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Our fund range

Close Portfolio Funds
Direct investment strategies which invest in equities, fixed income and alternatives.
Close Managed Funds
These solutions capture the expertise of fund managers and our institutional-level research team.
Close Bond Funds
Single asset class funds that invest in fixed income securities.
Close Sustainable Funds
Our sustainable funds generate consistent, long-term returns by screening out unethical practices.
Close Tactical Select Passive Funds
Discover our actively traded, index-tracking investments including exchange-traded products and passive unit trusts.
Close Specialist Funds
Funds that differ from our risk adjusted multi-asset portfolio funds, in both management style and strategy.

Before you invest, make sure you feel comfortable with the level of risk you take. Investments aim to grow your money, but they might lose it too.